The only constant thing about nature is that it is ever changing,
and every "instant" flflash of light becomes a source of eternal inspiration for us.
Our sense of humility revolves around these subtle changes in our lives, describing these "spontaneous miracles".



"Nature" and "Self"


Use the most direct and pure language to depict these movements and tracks, and want everyone to embrace these
fascinating moments.
While recording nature, we are also a part of being created by nature.
This diversity and uncertainty is an expression of "self".
MonSecret's brand mission is to connect nature and self, create unique items and show the true self.

"Comfortable wear" and "original fashion"


We believe that from the time a piece of jewelry is designed, made and passed to the buyer,
Its highlights are all at the end of the personal wear,
Therefore, comfortable wearing becomes one of the pursuits of monSecret.
Since then derived from the "ORGANIC CHIC original ecological fashion" style,
Incorporating raw materials of nature into the work to create a connection between nature and our guests,
Each piece of jewelry is thoughtfully handcrafted and made complete by the experience, touch, and wear of each guest.